Pedigree Fundraiser for Dog Rescue

I got this idea from Grey Horse Matters and What Was I Thinking. It's a fund raiser for dogs sponsored by Pedigree. Click 'like' on their Facebook page to donate a bowl of food.
In addition, if you mention this drive on your blog between Sept. 16th through Sept. 19th, Pedigree® will donate a 20-lb. bag of food to a shelter. So please post about the Pedigree drive and enter the link to your blog over at Life With Dogs, a great blog for dog lovers.


TBDancer said…
I have already FB'd Pedigree and since I don't blog, I donate at PetsMart. On their ATM machine at each register you answer the obligatory question about "cash back" and then it asks if you want to donate to a shelter. I check yes. Hope that counts ;o)