Doug and I had a lesson with Joan yesterday and I had a lesson with Cheryl today. Both went well.
Joan worked on the introduction to collection with us again. She discussed Ramener and Rasembler. If I remember correctly, we are working on introducing ramener. Rasembler comes later, with full collection.
We are teaching Rogo to work from hind to front - engage his hind quarters, lighten his forehand, lift his head a bit and take the bit. We only do a few steps at the walk. If I could do sitting trot better with him we'd work in trot, but I haven't really started that. I need to work on that a few steps at a time too. I can do it with Dan and Savanah, but Rogo's movement is much bigger. I hadn't started it because he is young, but we can work on it now.
We also worked on circles and he was a little rusty with that. Then we worked on canter and that went well.
Today Cheryl and I worked on circles and figure eights. Interestingly he is better to the left than the right now. It used to be the opposite. I practiced too much left and neglected the right? Anyway, they weren't bad - Cheryl suggested he has a 7 left circle and a 5 right circle. I know I can get the right up to a 7, because he was better before. Then the highlight of the lesson - cantering! Cheryl asked me to pick up the canter on the rail, do a 20 m circle, come out of it and cross the diagonal, briefly trotting as I changed directions and then picking up the canter again and doing a circle in the opposite direction and cantering out of it before trotting. This was a first for him and he did it perfectly twice! He is really making progress with his canter. If I could ride it better he'd really be getting somewhere! I was over steering and when I stopped doing that he steered beautifully. His transitions were so prompt I almost didn't go with them. Yesterday he picked it up so quickly I missed it, as in flopped backwards as he tried to canter. Yikes! My poor horse. I think I was expecting another trot step or two, but he's going to canter right away. This is such a fun time with him. I'm going to write a post just about him now, at 5. I want to remember this summer with him when he's older. I adore him.
What a wonderful highlight in your lesson with Cheryl! Cantering that pattern so perfectly! It doesn't sound easy. You both rode it really well. Your work ethic and appreciation for Rogo are wonderful to read about!