Getting Better Connection
My last ride on Rogo was just before dark two nights ago. The moon was getting bright as we worked on our goals - it's a great time to ride. The flies were gone, the heat had somewhat subsided and Rogo didn't seem to mind the dark corners.
I wanted to see if I could reproduce the results I got with Megan, and it worked! It really helped to see someone else ride him, which never happens. Rogo was so ready for this next step, I just needed to see it done. I don't want to sound overly confident, there is lots of room for improvement, but he basically gets it (position, connection). He doesn't always do it, matter of fact it comes and goes ALOT, but he gets it. A correction doesn't result in a long drawn out struggle of trying to convey what you're asking for - a stronger feel on the reins with a push from seat and legs, a little tap with the whip and a bend, and he'll usually go back to connecting with the bit and a better frame.
After we warmed up and got in the groove of working together it was wonderful - almost dark, moon floating overhead and a forward, floating horse under me who went correctly in a feather light contact much of the time. It was one of those gifts life throws you once in awhile. I'll probably be writing about a new problem tomorrow, but let me enjoy this moment :)
Doug was calling to us to come in because it was so dark, but I had to keep going for a few more minutes. We finished with good canters in each direction (possibly his best ever to the right), and then a bit of stretching trot and walk. A good night.