Pre-Show Problems, But Lots of Help Too
Poor Doug - he and Savanah are entering their first show this weekend and Doug has shingles. I suggested he scratch and we wait until he's feeling better, but he's determined to go. He's in a lot of pain, on and off fever, etc. Not the best condition for a competition debut! What a trooper. We are lucky to have a trailer with living quarters, so at least we can stay once we're there. Camping will be fun. Megan is going to help us and Cheryl and Joan are coming to coach, so we have lots of help! Megan clipped Savanah for Doug today - not an easy task for a draft cross who hasn't been in a show ring for two years. She has a lot of hair!!!
Our check lists are out, grooming kits cleaned, trailer stocked, show clothes packed...
Our check lists are out, grooming kits cleaned, trailer stocked, show clothes packed...