Lesson WIth Cheryl
We're getting back on our every Tues. lesson schedule so today we had a lesson. Last winter I did two lessons a week to get us back to work, but I want some riding time on my own to work on things this year, and also I'm busier.
I read posts from younger women sometimes lamenting they don't have more lessons, so I feel a little guilty posting about them, but I have a message for all those young women - you are much more flexible, strong and resilient, and you'll have more money for lessons when you get older. A rather sweeping statement, but generally true. You know what they say, "Youth is wasted on the young" (George Bernard Shaw).
I'm not suggesting lesson money comes easily (it doesn't), only that barring bad luck (health issues, job loss, etc.) a more stable base is built by now so with care and prioritizing there's more likelihood of eking it out. Financing horses / riding would make an interesting post. The things we give up to ride would make some people think we're crazy, but we feel like the luckiest people in the world.
I'm off on a tangent - back to the lesson update. We longed Rogo first, with me on after the first few minutes. I did my exercises again (the ones from Sun. made me sore!) and did some fun things to try to separate body parts, i.e. posting trot while arms are out to the side and me turning back and forth with them out. I ended up laughing too hard to do much, but I got the idea of it. Off the longe, I think the leg yield is coming, but it's definitely one of the slower things we've worked on. His halts are getting better and it was generally a good ride.
between traveling to my lessons lately.
I'm working on a how to finance / budget your horse habit post as we speak. Great minds ;)
I envy your lesson schedule, too. For me it's about time. I could take a lesson a week, but sometimes I only ride once in a week, so the lesson would be wasted. Youth is wasted on the middle aged, too, it seems! ;)