I'm Skinny Again! WIll This Be The Motivation?

I started a post this morning where-in I noted my lack of resolutions. I never make them. They don't work for me, although I admire the people who can stick to them. But it was snowing again today, for the second day in a row, and again I couldn't go to the barn for a ride :(
The one resolution I did come up with this morning was to spend less time working (I work for myself, so theoretically it's possible), so I decided to spend the afternoon starting to learn photoshop, something I've wanted to do for a while. Heaven help me if I didn't learn how to clone, which, without a heartbeat's hesitation, led to shaving off belly fat and behind bulge. Am I a natural genius or what? I liked the results so much that I'm thinking maybe if I keep this image in front of me I could be a little thinner by show season. Although a little on the crude side, here is my first 'retouching' :)
Rogo and Carol, June 2009

Rogo and Carol, Coming June 2011

At the very least I resolve not to wear Doug's old Harley t-shirts for riding anymore! Something with a bit of tailoring / fitting is clearly in order.


Achieve1dream said…
LOL! Good job for your first time retouching a photo. :) Better get your butt in gear because I'm expecting to see proof in June of the real thing. :D I rarely manage to keep my resolutions either so that's why I made goals this year. It's a lot more relaxed and encouraging. And not so ominous lol!
Alberta said…
...and I'm coming out to check in October.

Yes, something more tailored and expensive would be better, Carol. I'm with you all the way on this one.
Barbara said…
lol, now just figure out how to magically transfer that from photoshop to my waist and I will be thrilled.
Jeni said…
FUN !!!! We should go shopping together ! even my trusty tank tops don't fit.... they flap and flutter like Rosie's mane in the wind.
Carol said…
Thanks for the comments everyone.
Jeni, you've done so remarkably well with weight loss. I'll think of you when ever I'm tempted!
juliette said…
Carol - This is a hysterically funny post!!! You crack me up! I can't wait to show Brian because we always talk about how I could just make every photo long and skinny on photoshop if I wanted. Of course Pie and Sovey would look like giraffes! You have me beat with cutting out the curves. I want to try that. You are completely right, though, about wearing tailored clothes. My blog made my mom and I realize that we wear the biggest, goofiest t-shirts imaginable to ride and we look like big fatties on film!
Good luck with photoshop - you will LOVE it!
TBDancer said…
DO post the picture!! According an AOL news piece on their welcome screen this morning, one of the big motivators is to post pictures of your goal "look" so you see it and are inspired to continue on. My problem is plateaus. I hit one every five pounds and stay there for MONTHS, it seems. However, a picture of myself in white dressage breeches, riding with a "gut" and Michelin rolls is disgusting yet inspiring. And yes, Juliette--cameras do "add weight." ;o/
Wow, I thought the first picture was the retouched one until I scrolled down more Carol.

Trying on white breeches is a pretty good motivator!!
Brittany said…
Great job with Photoshop! Although I have to admit, you look skinny in the 2009 picture too! :)
Rachel said…
Dang Girl... lookin' good! :)
Wolfie said…
Very clever! But you don't need any retouching!
jacksonsgrrl said…
I have Photoshop all ready and waiting for me to learn, have I touched it? Sigh....
I love that you can make yourself thinner! I myself lost 79 lbs. so you can do it too! I did it to be a better rider and look better on my horse, not to get a date, bwahahaha! Horse crazy? Yep.
Carol said…
You guys are too kind. And you have many inspiring stories. I'd like to loose a bit for the sake of my riding, but my love of good food and red wine may get in the way :)
Thanks for the nice comments.
Lori Skoog said…
I have Photoshop Elements and am just at the tip of the iceburg learning about it. It would be so much better if I would just study it a bit. Great idea with the motivation project. I sure need it.
Jan said…
Carol, I loved this post! I so agree about how hard it is to keep resolutions. Photoshop works even better! I'm going to send you all my photos to whittle down my waist also:)!