Surprise's First Test

We had a Scotia Series dressage show here at our place on July 7 and 8. I decided to ride walk trot A with Surprise after the show was over, while they were getting the ribbons ready.
Somehow I mixed up what time it was and lost an hour! That left me ten minutes to lunge and warm up in the outdoor before coming in to ride the test.
Surprise warmed up in the outdoor (second time there), walked by all of the new show surroundings and into the ring by a new entrance without setting a foot wrong. The judge gave her a 71 - by far the highest I've ever gotten with any horse. I think she was being kind , but Surprise was a star. She'd never done a test before and I hadn't ridden one in years. Surprise is the easiest horse I've ever ridden. So sweet and tries so hard. I'm feeling very lucky to have her.


Grey Horse Matters said…
She’s a great horse! Congratulations on your test, I’d say that’s very impressive for a first time out. She looks like a sweetheart too.
TeresaA said…
I didn't see you ride but I watched your warm up and she looked awesome.
Miss Izzy said…
That's awesome! Keep up the great work.
Achieve1dream said…
Yay!! I'm so glad it went so well and that you're enjoying her so much.
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