First Ride At Home

I actually got out for a ride today - my first since bringing them home. I thought I was being optimistic when I suggested it would be two weeks before I could ride, but it was a week ago today. Here's what it looked like a week ago, the day they arrived home:

And here we are today, same back corner you can see above:

The footing wasn't good enough to do more than walk, but I love walking and could do it for hours. We did a little leg yield and shoulder in, both ways and after a bit he got reasonably supple. We also did some small circles, keeping our rhythm. It was challenging on the rough ground, but fun. He was good as gold and it's the first time he's been ridden outside since Nov. or Dec., and the first time he's been ridden in about 10 days. Not bad for a five year old (almost six - another month).
We did a little ground work and I'm benefiting from the feed back I got on it, but we really need to get outside the fence to work in areas he is a little more 'hot'. Today wasn't the day for that - I want to get him back to regular work before taking him outside his comfort zone (no need to invite trouble).
Joan will start our lessons in a couple of weeks. Can't wait!


Happy for you!! Things will be back on track before you know it. Rogo is such a good boy :)
Cindy said…
Carol, do you get out hacking on long trails at is so good for their minds and teaches them to trust your judgement.
So glad yu're back in the saddle! My ring is peaking through very slowly.
Barbara said…
Hopefully spring will hurry up. So nice that you have them at home.
Carol said…
Thanks guys.
Cindy I took Rogo on his first two hacks ever just before leaving for Cheryl's last fall. He loved it and was very good - he went by himself the first time and didn't even call to the other horses or look back. He was very interested and energetic, but also very well behaved.
It's funny you should mention it because I was thinking he behaved so well yesterday, that it would be a great opportunity to take him out for walks in the field and get him used to being out of an enclosure. That might help the leading problem I was having outside the fence, as you say, he'd learn to trust my judgment more and demystify the whole thing more for him. I'll take it slow;y, but this is probably a big part of the training he needs.
Kitanna said…
That's great Carol! I'm glad to see the horsies home :)
Jan said…
Carol, So glad you got to ride your wonderful Rogo! I'm glad your arena is usable, even if just at the walk. I agree with you; there is a lot we can work on at the walk with our horses, and they get some exercise and can feel good about having done some work. I have to keep my horse's mind active with various patterns and exercises and changes so he doesn't get bored at the walk. Anyway, glad you got to ride and take your time getting back into your program. Good work, Rogo!
smazourek said…
I don't blame you for waiting on the groundwork outside the fence for now. Looks like you've got a bit of mud to contend with. Nothing worse than a nervous horse flipping around in the mud. Ick.

I can't get over how fabulous your view is, you are lucky, lucky, lucky.
Amy said…
Wow goreous view! Getting out on your horse at your own place I don't care what gait is wonderful!!!
Glad you got out for a ride. I love walking too, there is so much you can work on at the walk. Dusty and I did this for months before even starting a trot. I thought if you get it down right at the walk the trot should be easy enough to master. Hope your lesson goes well. What a good boy Rogo was.
Dom said…
Glad the snow disappeared, and quickly! Sounds like a good ride back.
Achieve1dream said…
Yay! Glad the snow melted and you're back to riding. :)
Achieve1dream said…
Thanks for commenting about my toenail. I did finally use a bandaid to stabilize the nail so it can't move because that's what was grossing me out. It's feeling better but I still can't wear shoes. The nail isn't broken or bruised so I doubt mine will fall off. It will just have to eventually grow out. Thank you for commenting. I really appreciate it. :)
Rising Rainbow said…
Sounds like you have a great plan in getting him comfortable first before stepping things up. Good for you.