Equitation Blitz Is Blown To Bits

The title is a bit of an exaggeration but it is temporarily on hold. We went to the barn today planning a full on assault on training, and quickly set out ground poles and a jump for a free lunging start. Rogo and Savanah were doing great - happy, popping over the jump, floating over the poles, when suddenly in a flash Rogo landed from a jump and was limping big time. I thought it must be just that he landed funny, so I had him stand for a minute and he held up his sore leg. Then he started putting weight on it again and was fine. To make a longer story shorter, he turned out to be missing the shoe on that foot. They just had their shoes put back on a week or so ago :( He was walking and trotting soundly after a few minutes, but it obviously wasn't going to be a work day. I did get on him for a few minutes, but all we did was walk. While walking around he kept a pretty much perfect contact - just in front of the vertical, steady and consistent with no tension or popping his head up. Yeah! Now to get it that consistent in trot and canter when the shoe goes back on (Mon. afternoon).
Here's a really quick clip from my phone of Rogo practicing the left and right stretching exercise I'm teaching him. It needs work, but it's coming and he's cute :)

And now, in shameless imitation of Laurie Skoog at Skoog Farm Journal and Annette at News From Aspen Meadows, here's my dinnner prep for Pad Thai (I don't have much of a horse post and my phone with camera was in my pocket.)

Plated, with a side of Thai mango salad. I love Thai!


Oak Creek Ranch said…
YUM!! I love Pad Thai and mango anything. I haven't tried making the pad thai myself tho. Very impressive!
juliette said…
Sorry about Rogo's shoe. I hope he is doing well when he gets it replaced.

His video is sooooo great. I know you know this, but I just adore Rogo. He is the sweetest boy ever.

Your prep and dinner finale look amazing. I love Thai and mangos - yum. You need to post the recipe too!
Jeni said…
That meal looks WONDERFUL ! Uh oh on the shoe !!!
Your post title is scary! Glad it's only a shoe :)

Love the video - Rogo is totally adorable!! Do you find that he volunteers his stretches for extra cookies? Val thinks twelve stretches = twelve cookies :)

Your pad thai looks delicious, and I love how neatly your prep is presented. I have to watch when I visit your and Annette's blogs - instant hunger pangs :)
TBDancer said…
I have been lucky (knock wood, which usually means I tap my head ;o) in the shoe department. My guy has only lost two shoes in the nearly 13 years I've had him. It means no riding, however--balance is everything and the shoes he's been getting (Natural Balance steel lite) help with his breakover.

I too love Thai ;o) Excellent pictures. Have you seen Julie & Julia? Not related to Thai cooking, but still a good flick.
I love pad Thai. So tasty!

You can always start your blitz after the shoe is re-set. It's no big deal, you'll still get it done.

Very cute video!
Dom said…
Pulled shoes are the worst :(
Carol said…
Thanks for the feedback.
- Rogo does want treats for the bends, but he does several before expecting one at this point.
- saw Julie and Julia and loved it!
- Pad Thai is really easy to make and I'm not too particular about what goes in it, as long as it includes lime juice, fish sauce, cilantro and chopped peanuts on top.
Jan said…
Carol, I second the commenter's requests for your recipe! I, too, love Pad Thai but it seems intimidating to make at home! And Rogo is so smart! Good work!
Achieve1dream said…
Aww darn on the shoe. Did you find it so you can reset it or is it lost? I'm glad he wasn't injured. Whew! That food looks good. I haven't had much Thai food, but it sure looks yummy.
Achieve1dream said…
Oh and I forgot to mention Rogo's stretches are cute. I can't wait until Chrome can do it on voice command. Right now I have to tickle his shoulder to get him to do it. I need to add a voice cue.
Jan said…
Carol, What great stretches Rogo does! He goes back to his girth line so far! What a smart, smart horse he is! (I want to teach Buckshot to do this, too.)