A Good Laugh From Yesterday
I tried to upload this yesterday and couldn't. It was part of my longe lesson on Savanah with Cheryl from yesterday (previous post). It looks like I'm about to take flight, but they seem to be the only pieces of the longe lesson Doug videoed :) I'm happy to see that my hands and arms are getting quieter, but they still have a way to go. This looks really goofy, but it was really fun, and I can feel my seat getting better.
I rode again today and Rogo was a blast. It was so warm (around +14 C.) that Mom came to the barn with us and watched us ride for the first time since she came to a show last summer. Rogo tried his resistance challenge very briefly at the beginning, so I gave him a couple of firm taps. After that he was really good. I remembered to use my legs correctly, and I was rewarded with a nice big trot. Bending was good, and after he warmed up for a few minutes he actually became slightly round for a good portion of the time. His canter work was super too - easy and fluid and responsive.
All in all a very satisfying ride (to be honest I always enjoy riding Rogo). I always come away happy, but some days it's just on another level - very at peace with the world and quietly, deeply happy. Today was one of those days. If we could harness that (no pun intended) I think we could create world peace :)
Also, thanks for commenting on my blog!
Lunge lessons ... Oh how I hate them. they are a necessary evil. Do you close your eyes when your arms are in "Zombie" mode? I do. I also go from straight out the sides, to straight infront, then straight up over my head, then back to out to the side. When I give my kids lessons I make them do the same too. Airplane and Zombie arms!
Sure helps the seat and balance.
Some really good work there Carol!
I jumped outa my chair when the instructor "BARKED" at the horse though...I'm really sensitive to voice tone and it would bother me. The mare seemed to be used to it though!
Ecellent, I hope to have one soon too!(lesson on lunge)